
The board of education and facility master planning committee is seeking your input.  The committee has been working over the last several months with an architect firm to 1.) Brainstorm and create a project list; 2.) Create long-term program options; 3.) Assign cost estimates to projects, and; 4.) Solicit internal and external feedback.  In an effort to create focus, the committee has preliminarily narrowed the project list from approximately 20 items to 6 themes that continued to rise to the top.  The purpose of this survey is to assist in future decision making.  The outcome of this survey is not intended to lock down an order of work, but rather to gain community sentiment on proposed projects.  

As the board of education engages in conversations regarding a no-tax bond increase for the April 2024 ballot, it's important that we understand the opinion of all stakeholders on the six potential projects.  The bonding capacity for a no-tax increase will likely not allow the district to complete more than one project at this time. The remaining projects will need to be addressed in future years as funds allow.


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